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7 Common Fibromyalgia Symptoms

7 Common Fibromyalgia Symptoms

Many individuals keep facing chronic pain that is widespread in the body. Such frequently occurring pain in some or all parts of the body may be indicative of fibromyalgia, patients may not be aware of the problem and might keep trying random treatments to solve the issue. However, it is critical to know that muscle pain that lasts longer than three months is chronic and it can interfere with the routine tasks of an individual.
10 Common FAQs about L-Arginine to Resolve Your Queries

10 Common FAQs about L-Arginine to Resolve Your Queries

The human body has been wired to perform a lot of functions, and every part of the body plays a major role in allowing us to execute these bodily functions effectively. Though it has been wired to perform certain functions, it has also been wired to experience physical intimacy and pleasure through the act of sexual intercourse.
Things You Should Know About Scabies

Things You Should Know About Scabies

Scabies is a medical condition in which the body gets covered with rashes. You will be able to understand better about how the rashes look like from Scabies rash photo. How the rash looks will determine whether it is just a cuase of normal skin infection since every rash is not scabies, and it is important to clearly diagnose the condition before looking for a cure.
Here’s What You Need to Know About Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms

Here’s What You Need to Know About Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms

Rheumatoid arthritis is a widespread disease that affects the people vastly. Most people can are well aware of arthritis which is associated with joint pains. On the other hand, the word rheumatoid is derived for ‘rheumatism,’ comprises all the conditions causing chronic distress that affects the joints and the muscles.
A Few Common Symptoms That Indicate The Onset of Partial Seizures

A Few Common Symptoms That Indicate The Onset of Partial Seizures

People aspire to lead a healthy life, but with the current working conditions and the race to acquire all the luxuries in the world, it becomes difficult to stick to the conviction to stay healthy. There are certain health issues that we have brought upon ourselves, and at times, there are certain ailments that we are prone to because of some inherent problems.
6 Commonly Known Classes of Medications for Migraine Explained

6 Commonly Known Classes of Medications for Migraine Explained

Migraine is a very common headache disorder, with moderate to severe headaches that can last anywhere from a couple of hours to more than a couple of days. These are chronic headaches which are recurring and thus cause major discomfort. The symptoms which follow severe migraines include nausea, vomiting, increased sensitivity to light, strong smell, or even loud sound.
Here Are the 8 Early Signs of Lupus

Here Are the 8 Early Signs of Lupus

Lupus is an autoimmune disorder that is often defined as an inflammatory disease that disrupts the natural immune system of the body. In a normal person, the immune system will protect the body from infection. In a person with lupus, the body starts attacking its own tissues mistaking them for foreign invaders.
Six Common Symptoms of Pneumonia

Six Common Symptoms of Pneumonia

Pneumonia is an infection which causes inflammations in the air sacs, medically termed as “alveoli,” in one or both lungs. When you have pneumonia, these alveoli get filled with fluid or pus thus making it hard. As a result, the lung’s ability to transfer oxygen to the blood gradually reduces, finally leading to death.
4 Stages of Migraine and Their Symptoms

4 Stages of Migraine and Their Symptoms

Chronic migraine attack leads to a pulsing sensation accompanied by severe pounding pain on one side of the head. Intense sensitivity to sound and light, nausea, and vomiting are some of the chronic migraine symptoms. Chronic migraine attacks can last up to anywhere from a couple of hours to several days.
A Few Common Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment of Overactive Bladder

A Few Common Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment of Overactive Bladder

An overactive bladder is a disorder in which there is a frequent urge to urinate. The urge can be strong and difficult to control and can occur suddenly. This can affect a person’s life and cause a lot of embarrassment for the person suffering from it. The person can feel this urge all through the day or specifically at night.
6 Ways to Cure  Sleep Apnea

6 Ways to Cure Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a disorder where the person who is suffering from it gets an interruption in breathing while he is asleep. The disruption is such that they stop breathing several times while sleeping. Sometimes this repetition is more than 50 to 80 times in a single night’s sleep. In such a condition the oxygen may not go to the brain and the body in appropriate proportion.
All You Need to Know about Treatment of Diarrhea

All You Need to Know about Treatment of Diarrhea

That frequent bowel movement that makes you weak and uncomfortable is diarrhea. It’s so nauseating to make friends with the pot rather than hanging out with your best friends, isn’t it? That is what diarrhea does to you. It makes you feel uncomfortable enough to not let you go out for days.
Know the Symptoms and Treatments for Severe Diarrhea

Know the Symptoms and Treatments for Severe Diarrhea

The human digestive system is known to be very strong, as it can digest various forms of food and food products according to the body type and lifestyle of an individual. But now and then, it gets affected by diarrhea. It is a widespread ailment which can affect a person once or twice a year.
Leg Pain Symptoms and Causes

Leg Pain Symptoms and Causes

Legs are perhaps the most stressed part of our body. Throughout the day, it bears the weight and pressure of our whole body. Whether we walk, stand or even sit, the gravitational force makes the legs support our body from falling. So you can imagine how painful it would be when either of your legs hurt.

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