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8 Effective Remedies for Stomach Gas Pains

8 Effective Remedies for Stomach Gas Pains

A majority of people around the globe suffer from stomach gas pains, and the reasons for it can vary from person to person, as every individual’s eating habits and digestive system is different. Few of the research data suggest that around ten to twenty percent of the adults suffer from major digestive imbalance.
Common food items that will help you live a healthy life

Common food items that will help you live a healthy life

Inflammation is your body’s natural immune response, which helps you heal. However, if it goes out of control, then it might turn into rheumatoid arthritis, which has the potential to damage your body severely. Food that is high in saturated fat and sugar can be of great help to curb inflammation.
6 Effective remedies for Heal Pain

6 Effective remedies for Heal Pain

Mild body pain is something that most of us ignore, till it becomes unbearable and starts hindering our routine chores. When you can’t figure out the exact causes of body pain, it’s best to visit a doctor, who can suggest you the right way to treat the problem. However, you can give these heal pain remedies a try to see if you can curb the pain naturally at home.
How to Dissolve Kidney Stones Using 8 Simple Home Remedies

How to Dissolve Kidney Stones Using 8 Simple Home Remedies

Today, most people are guilty of living an extremely unhealthy lifestyle. In the bargain what we risk is the well-being of vital organs in our body. The kidneys are organs that undergo the most damage and are responsible for carrying out an important task, i.e., flushing out the waste products and toxins from the body.
Effective Measures for Smooth Bowel Movements

Effective Measures for Smooth Bowel Movements

Constipation is the condition in which one experiences difficulties while having a bowel movement. In such situations, the bowel movements occur with great difficulty or happen less often than normal. Everyone goes through it at least once in their life. Though constipation causes a great deal of discomfort, it is not really a very serious issue since there are many remedies for constipation.
Role of Effective Diet Plans in Maintaining Healthy Lifestyle

Role of Effective Diet Plans in Maintaining Healthy Lifestyle

A diet plan is key when it comes to buying and preparing healthy meals. Eating healthy isn’t always easy, but committing yourself to effective Diet Plans can be one of the smartest decisions. Following a well-balanced diet plan is never easy. It should ideally consist of essential nutrients like carbohydrates, vitamins, proteins, and minerals all in right proportion.
7 Tried and Tested Benefits of Probiotic Yoghurt

7 Tried and Tested Benefits of Probiotic Yoghurt

Probiotic yogurt is made by fermenting milk and adding some probiotics that are essentially a mix of nutrients. Packed with proteins, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins, probiotic yogurt is one of the best healthy food products sources that help provide a lot of benefits to your body. Probiotic yogurt is considered as a superfood due to its high nutrient content.
Effective methods to lower high blood pressure

Effective methods to lower high blood pressure

High blood pressure is a very serious health condition where the pressure of the blood against the artery walls is too high. It should be controlled to ensure a safe and healthy life. The person suffering from high blood pressure normally has the pressure ranging above 140/90 mm Hg. High blood pressure causes many health complications like kidney diseases, heart diseases, and eye problems.
8 Home Remedies for Tackling IBS with Constipation

8 Home Remedies for Tackling IBS with Constipation

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a widespread, chronic disorder of the digestive tract which can cause gut cramps, bloating, diarrhea or constipation. However, these symptoms can vary from person to person. Most IBS cases are associated with the symptoms of diarrhea, but several individuals suffer from IBS with constipation. The exact causes of IBS with constipation are still unclear, but medical theories suggest some of the key factors can be sensitive intestinal nerves, infections, genetics, extra fluid absorption in the colon or miscommunication between brain and gut movements.
Kidney Disease Diet Plan – What You Need To Eat For A Healthy Kidney

Kidney Disease Diet Plan – What You Need To Eat For A Healthy Kidney

Kidney disease interferes with the normal functioning of the kidneys. This means that the kidneys do not filter waste as they normally do, hence leading to waste products and fluids in the body. Symptoms include swelling of the ankles, breathlessness, weakness, vomiting and poor sleep. It is essential to stick to an appropriate diet that will help the kidneys function well.
Effective Treatment for Eczema and Psoriasis

Effective Treatment for Eczema and Psoriasis

Two diseases that look much similar but are different from each other. Eczema is commonly known as Dermatitis. This is not just one disease but a group of diseases that come out as one disease and cause inflammation and redness on the skin. One can identify eczema by spotting the red, inflamed spots and heavy itching on those affected areas of the skin.
7 Easy Home Remedies for Hemorrhoids

7 Easy Home Remedies for Hemorrhoids

In the country, almost 75 percent of the people within in the age group of 45-65 get hemorrhoids commonly known as piles. Doctors suggest various theories for the occurrence of this issue, which affects the rectum and anus, swelling and bleeding which will be one of the common and noticeable symptoms.
How To Stop Heartburn Simple Steps To Soothe The Pain

How To Stop Heartburn Simple Steps To Soothe The Pain

In most cases, a sumptuous meal at a gala feast does not end happily for everyone. All the greasy and spicy food may sometimes end up causing a very intense burning sensation in the chest and upper stomach. This is what heartburn feels like. What Is The Cause? Heartburn is caused when the acid in your stomach surpasses the sphincter muscle.
Neck Pain – Causes and Home Remedies

Neck Pain – Causes and Home Remedies

Experiencing neck pain can often be frustrating as it ends up affecting your work and routine chores. Although neck pain and stiffness, usually is not a sign of any serious condition, it is advised that you get checked by a doctor, if it’s been bothering you intermittently for more than three months.

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Carcinoid Neuroendocrine Tumors – Prognosis And Life Expectancy
Health & Wellness

Carcinoid Neuroendocrine Tumors – Prognosis And Life Expectancy

Carcinoid neuroendocrine tumors – Prognosis and life expectancy The neuroendocrine system is a complex regulatory mechanism comprised of cells spread throughout several organ systems, including our lungs and digestive system. As they have characteristics of both nerves and endocrine cells, they are called neuroendocrine cells. The nerve cells transmit signals using electrical impulses, whereas endocrine cells make thyroid and insulin-secreting glands.
What Are The First Signs Of Liver Damage
Health & Wellness

What Are The First Signs Of Liver Damage

Liver damage – What are the first signs? On the right side of the abdomen, below your rib cage, is an organ called the liver. It is the size of a football and is one of the most important organs in the human body. The liver aids in the digestion of the food we eat and also helps in flushing out the toxins from our body.