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11 Easy Ways to Reduce Creatinine

11 Easy Ways to Reduce Creatinine

Excess use of muscle causes the body to produce a blood chemical waste that is called creatinine. The level of the chemical gets increased in the blood either by too much exercise or due to eating a lot of protein. Generally, the bloodstream carries the creatinine to the kidneys and filters the chemical through the urine.
Foods to Include in Your Liquid Diet Plan to Effectively Lose Weight

Foods to Include in Your Liquid Diet Plan to Effectively Lose Weight

Are you wishing to shed extra fat from your body and hence searching for the effective ways to go about it? If yes, then read on to know about the best liquid diet plans to get rid of your excessive or unwanted weight as quickly as possible. Apart from losing weight, such diet plans are helpful in other clinical conditions like detoxification, mouth and throat cancer, gastrointestinal disorders, Crohn’s disease, tonsillitis, ulcers, etc.
5 Ways to Get Relief from Migraine Naturally

5 Ways to Get Relief from Migraine Naturally

With the type of lifestyle that people lead nowadays, getting a throbbing headache the next morning is quite common. The late-night parties, consumption of junk food and inadequate sleep are some of the reasons for getting a headache. E very health problem starts with an unhealthy lifestyle and eating habits.
6 Popular Stop Snoring Mouthpieces Available in the Market

6 Popular Stop Snoring Mouthpieces Available in the Market

There are two categories of snorers—people who have known that they have been snoring all their lives and people who have recently discovered that they snore, mostly because of weight gain or other underlying conditions. Whatever be the category, most snorers not only disturb their sleeping companions but also have disturbed sleep themselves.
Tips to Prevent Diverticulitis

Tips to Prevent Diverticulitis

With the growing age, some people start developing little bulging pouches along the lining of the small intestine and they are termed as diverticula. When these pouches become infected or inflamed, sometimes it leads to a very painful condition known as diverticulitis. Besides having terrible pain, people suffering from this ailment also have nausea, bloating, vomiting, fever, diarrhea and sometimes, constipation.
Foods to Eat and Avoid if You Have Hiatal Hernia

Foods to Eat and Avoid if You Have Hiatal Hernia

A hiatal hernia is a condition in which, a person’s stomach bulges upward mainly through the diaphragm opening. However, what you eat makes a huge difference as to whether you will have a good day or a bad one. A specific hiatal hernia diet can cause a great amount of positive change in your health.
Diabetes Reversal Treatment – Best Option to Combat Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes Reversal Treatment – Best Option to Combat Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder that characteristically involves high blood sugar, insulin resistance and lack of insulin from required levels. Diabetes is also a lifestyle disorder i.e. fueled by sedentary lifestyle and obesity. There are two types of diabetes: Type 1 Type 1 is classified as Juvenile diabetes and typically affects children of normal weight.
4 Effective Solutions to Eliminate the Rotator Cuff Pain

4 Effective Solutions to Eliminate the Rotator Cuff Pain

The shoulder is surrounded by a number of muscles and tendons that make up a rotator cuff. It is an essential element that helps to keep the head of the arm’s upper bone firmly in place. When the rotator cuff get injured during any activity, it causes a strong pain in the area or muscles around the shoulder and the pain worsens over time if not treated.
Swollen Feet and Ankles – Causes and Treatments

Swollen Feet and Ankles – Causes and Treatments

Swollen ankles and feet are quite common these days, and one does not need to worry too much about it. Especially if you have been walking or standing a lot. However, those who have their feet and ankles swollen chronically might need to be a little worried about it. So, here are some of the main causes behind swollen feet and ankles:
Lose weight with Paleo diet meals

Lose weight with Paleo diet meals

The Paleo diet meals are prepared by emulating the diet of the hunters and the gatherers in the primordial ages. It comprises of whole and unprocessed foods as available in nature. It goes without saying that our ancestors were genetically the same as us. They survived by eating the foods that were available naturally and were inherently free from diseases like diabetes, obesity and different types of cardiac problems.
A Short Guide on Child Growth Chart

A Short Guide on Child Growth Chart

As a parent, there are many things that you need to keep a tab on, to know your child’s development. Using a child growth chart is one of the essential things that parents should be referring to for this. Pediatricians and other health service providers use a child growth chart to observe a child’s growth over time.
5 Treatment Options for An Overactive Bladder

5 Treatment Options for An Overactive Bladder

An overreactive bladder is characterized by an overwhelming urge to urinate, which is quite difficult to control. An overactive bladder may lead to involuntary loss of urine, even when the person sneezes or coughs. The incontinence urge is caused by urinary muscle spasms. Genetic weakness, obesity, severe health conditions, infections, and multiple pregnancies can increase the risk of having an overactive bladder.
Treatment Methods for Varicose Veins

Treatment Methods for Varicose Veins

Varicose veins are the veins that get enlarged, become twisted, and appear purple or red in color. The outer veins in the lower legs are usually affected by this condition; they experience the most pressure when we stand. Varicose veins occur when veins stop functioning properly. There are valves in the veins that facilitate the flow of blood back towards the heart.
Tips to Treat Fibroids Naturally

Tips to Treat Fibroids Naturally

What are fibroids? They are non-cancerous tumors found in the uterine walls resulting in a change in a size or shape of the uterus as well as many other unpleasant symptoms. However, some fibroids can be symptomless too. Whether an individual has fibroids or not, it would be great if natural ways are used to prevent these common growths in the uterus.

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Carcinoid Neuroendocrine Tumors – Prognosis And Life Expectancy
Health & Wellness

Carcinoid Neuroendocrine Tumors – Prognosis And Life Expectancy

Carcinoid neuroendocrine tumors – Prognosis and life expectancy The neuroendocrine system is a complex regulatory mechanism comprised of cells spread throughout several organ systems, including our lungs and digestive system. As they have characteristics of both nerves and endocrine cells, they are called neuroendocrine cells. The nerve cells transmit signals using electrical impulses, whereas endocrine cells make thyroid and insulin-secreting glands.
What Are The First Signs Of Liver Damage
Health & Wellness

What Are The First Signs Of Liver Damage

Liver damage – What are the first signs? On the right side of the abdomen, below your rib cage, is an organ called the liver. It is the size of a football and is one of the most important organs in the human body. The liver aids in the digestion of the food we eat and also helps in flushing out the toxins from our body.