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Blood pressure chart: Know it all

Blood pressure chart: Know it all

The heart is an integral part of our body system. It pumps out blood to the arteries. The force with which it exerts blood into the arteries is the blood pressure. A device called sphygmomanometer measures blood pressure. The normal and abnormal The normal blood pressure of a human being should range between 120 mm HG to 80 mm HG.
Everything you need to know about high blood pressure

Everything you need to know about high blood pressure

Are you terrified by the words “high blood pressure”? Well, your concern is well-founded. To put in simpler terms, your blood pressure rises when the force of your blood pushing against the walls of your arteries is higher than normal. When there is too much pressure on the artery walls, the problem begins.
Dangers of high blood pressure and how to avoid them

Dangers of high blood pressure and how to avoid them

As the name suggests, high blood pressure is a condition where the flow of blood in the arteries is faster/higher than it should be. High blood pressure is also commonly known as hypertension. High blood pressure causes lot of problems to the rest of the body including heart, central nervous system, excretory systems, sexual dysfunction, eyesight, and skeletal system.
High blood pressure chart and its meaning

High blood pressure chart and its meaning

When a doctor takes your blood pressure reading, he gives a fraction. This fraction is the blood pressure reading. The number on top is known as systolic pressure and the number on the bottom is the diastolic pressure. Systolic pressure signifies the amount of pressure in the arteries during the contraction of heart muscles.
Six causes of high blood pressure that you should not ignore

Six causes of high blood pressure that you should not ignore

Blood pressure is the force that the blood exerts on the walls of the blood vessels. High blood pressure, resulting in hypertension, occurs when the pressure of the flowing blood is persistently high. It has been identified as one of the greatest threats to your health. It is often referred to as the silent killer disease, due to its nature.
Five frequently asked questions about causes of high blood pressure

Five frequently asked questions about causes of high blood pressure

Hypertension is a condition in which the pressure exerted by the blood against the arterial walls is higher than the normal. It will not show up any visible symptoms, but can lead to further complications like heart disease, stroke, kidney failure, etc. High blood pressure can be dangerous as the patient does not realize the condition, until it affects other body organs.
Precautions to follow while taking blood thinners

Precautions to follow while taking blood thinners

Blood thinners stop formation of blood clots in the heart or in the blood vessels. These medications prevent heart attacks and strokes. However, these medications come with a drawback. Your body finds it hard to heal when you get hurt. So you need to be very careful when you are participating in physical activities like swimming, running, or playing sports.
5 external causes of high blood pressure

5 external causes of high blood pressure

The stress of living in the 21st century and the pressure to meet the set standard of living has driven mankind to the verge of emotional and physical fatigue. Our constant urge to own the best of everything has dragged us into a never-ending race for material possessions. What impact does it have on us?
Home remedies to control high blood pressure

Home remedies to control high blood pressure

High blood pressure, in simple terms, can be explained as a condition wherein the blood pressure is too high for the artery walls to handle. The problem with high blood pressure is there are no know symptoms of the same and, if not treated in time, can lead to severe health conditions like heart disease and stroke.
5 grave blood disorders that can prove fatal if left unchecked

5 grave blood disorders that can prove fatal if left unchecked

The human body is no stranger to malicious agents attacking it, and desperately trying to enter it to cause a ruckus that will have us confined to the bed for a long time. Every part, every organ and every element in the body is vulnerable to disorders, be it the kidneys, lungs, heart, and even blood.
Common signs and symptoms that indicate blood disorders

Common signs and symptoms that indicate blood disorders

Of all the diseases that plague the world, blood disorders are one of those which need to be detected and treated right away. Blood performs the primary function of carrying nutrients to the different parts of the body, and blood disorders tend to cripple this function. Blood disorders affect the three main components of the blood, namely, the Red Blood Cells (RBCs), the White Blood Cells (WBCs) and the platelets.
Canine blood disorders

Canine blood disorders

Canine blood disorders are classified into two forms genetic (or co genetic) while other is acquired through some pathological factors such as viruses, tumors, bacteria etc. Just like humans, canine blood also has many parts like blood cells, plasma and platelets. Deficiency or defect in any of these can lead to a form of blood disorder, which can be life threatening in some ways.
Hemolytic disease – A blood disorder in newborns

Hemolytic disease – A blood disorder in newborns

Hemolytic disease is one of the blood disorders that is found in newborns, or in a fetus. In some cases the disease can be life threatening. The normal timeline of RBC (red blood cells) is of 120 days. In case of hemolytic disease, the red blood cells are destroyed earlier than 120 days.
4 tips to eat healthily and lower bilirubin levels

4 tips to eat healthily and lower bilirubin levels

Bilirubin is produced by the conversion of hemoglobin when the liver breaks down red blood cells that are no longer required by the body. High bilirubin levels in the body are caused due to an increase in toxicity in the liver, malfunction of the liver or the gallbladder. High levels of bilirubin can also be caused due to diseases such as cirrhosis, viral hepatitis, gallstones, leukemia, Gilbert syndrome, pancreatitis, cancer or inflammation of the gallbladder.

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