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6 things you need to know about hemophilia B

6 things you need to know about hemophilia B

Hemophilia is caused when the plasma in the blood lacks enough protein to cause blood clotting. Hemophilia is an inherited disorder that leads to abnormal bleeding in the affected person. There are two types of hemophilia: hemophilia A and hemophilia B. Hemophilia A is more common since it affects nearly 80% of the people with this disorder.
6 things to know about treating hemophilia B

6 things to know about treating hemophilia B

Hemophilia is a genetic disorder that prevents the blood from clotting. This causes uncontrolled bleeding in the case of injuries or wounds. In some cases, there can be spontaneous bleeding without any reason. Hemophilia can cause external as well as internal bleeding as well. Hemophilia is caused due to lack of clotting factors in the blood.
Everything you need to know about blood sugar and its levels

Everything you need to know about blood sugar and its levels

Blood sugar or glucose is the main source of energy in the human body. The amount of blood sugar present in the body is called as blood sugar concentration or blood sugar level. Glucose is transported from the intestine to the body and is made available to the blood cells with the help of insulin.
Low platelets count – Its causes and symptoms

Low platelets count – Its causes and symptoms

The main function of platelets is to prevent bleeding and maintain the red blood cells count by clotting the blood in case of wound or injury to the body. The normal platelet per microliter is between 150,000 to 350,000. Because platelets are a very tiny, they make up a very small fraction in the blood volume.
4 common enlarged spleen symptoms to watch out for

4 common enlarged spleen symptoms to watch out for

A fist-sized organ, the spleen is known as the guardian of the lymph system that protects the body against a whole lot of infections, viruses, bacteria, dead tissues, foreign matter, and harmful pathogens. The major functions of the spleen include producing antibodies, keeping the blood clean, transporting and balancing fluid levels, and maintaining blood platelets.
Home remedies to ease enlarged spleen symptoms

Home remedies to ease enlarged spleen symptoms

Enlarged spleen causes several complications including infections, blood diseases, liver problems, issues with the lymph system, and the like. Enlarge spleen symptoms are usually treated according to the severity of the condition. While limiting movement can help curb enlarged spleen symptoms for some, people with drastic enlargement may have to resort to surgery.
How to monitor your blood sugar?

How to monitor your blood sugar?

Diabetes is a chronic condition that is characterized by a rise in blood sugar levels. It is normally a hereditary disease but sometimes it occurs due to other factors. Type I diabetes is the one that is inherited from parents and type II is the kind of diabetes that is acquired.
How to lower your blood pressure through lifestyle changes

How to lower your blood pressure through lifestyle changes

High blood pressure indicates that your heart goes an extra mile each day to pump blood through your body. Arteries in our heart are made of semi-flexible muscles and the force of high blood pressure will strain the walls. This strain can lead to tiny tears which can lead to the increase in blood clots.
How to lower your blood pressure

How to lower your blood pressure

High blood pressure has become a common health problem today. People are becoming very dependent on machines to get their work done. This reduces daily physical activities, which ultimately leads to health issues. Our bodies are designed to be physically active on a daily basis. However, most of the population spends its time sitting in one place.
Low blood sugar – Causes, symptoms and treatment

Low blood sugar – Causes, symptoms and treatment

Low blood sugar, which is also called hypoglycemia, is a result of your body being unable to fuel all the cells in your body, due to low sugar in the blood. Also called as insulin reaction or insulin shock; this can be anything below 70 mg/dL or 3.8 mmol. Causes of low blood sugar A drop in blood sugar can be caused due to many factors.
Know more about your hemoglobin A1C test

Know more about your hemoglobin A1C test

What is hemoglobin A1C test? You can call this a diagnostic procedure that determines your blood sugar level from the time blood new red blood cells were created in your body. Red blood cells renew in within 3-4 months, so this test usually shows the blood sugar level of the past 3-4 months.
Natural remedies that lower high blood pressure

Natural remedies that lower high blood pressure

When diagnosed with high blood pressure, you’re bound to worry about some things. Like your medication, its side effects, and of course, your soaring blood pressure. But with a change in lifestyle, a well-balanced diet, and adequate exercise, you will see great results. Here’s a list of natural remedies that can help you:
Here’s how to improve blood circulation with healthy lifestyle habits

Here’s how to improve blood circulation with healthy lifestyle habits

Blood circulation is the continuous movement of blood in the different parts and organs of the body. The circulation of blood takes place as a result of the heart’s ability to pump out blood at a constant rate. An individual dies when the heart stops pumping out blood and blood circulation comes to a halt.
Home remedies and medication to control uric acid

Home remedies and medication to control uric acid

Uric acid, when produced in excess or not efficiently flushed out through the urine, a number of acid increases in the bloodstream. High levels of uric acid in the blood leads to the formation of uric crystals that deposit within the joints. This causes the development of gout, a very painful condition.

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