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H. Pylori Infection Symptoms That You Should Be Aware Of

H. Pylori infection is caused by the Helicobacter Pylori bacterium which affects the stomach. It leads to an inflammation of the inner surface of the stomach, and the duodenum region of the small intestine. Although this is a widespread condition, it isn’t quite discernible, i.e., it doesn’t always show symptoms right away. So diagnosing it can get bit tricky. It is also commonly known to lead to ulcers.

In case H. Pylori infection symptoms start manifesting, you should be on the lookout for –

  • Abdominal pain which worsens with an empty stomach
  • A loss of appetite
  • Frequent burping
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Bloating
  • Unintentional weight loss

In case there is an acute abdominal pain, difficulty in swallowing, bloody or dark stools and blood while throwing up, then you should seek medical consultation immediately.

H. Pylori Infection Symptoms That You Should Be Aware Of

Let’s take a look at H. Pylori infection symptoms in detail.

  • Heartburn
    Acid reflux or heartburn occurs when the gastric acids in the stomach are pushed back into the esophagus, leading to a burning sensation in the throat. An H. Pylori infection is likely when such acid reflux occurs frequently.
  • Digestive problems
    Infection by H. Pylori has an impact on the digestive system. It affects the gastric acid in the stomach, which is accompanied by additional H. Pylori infection symptoms like constipation, bloating, flatulence and diarrhea.
  • Vomiting and nausea
    You may also feel nauseous due to an H. Pylori infection.
In some instances, the infection leads to vomiting which could contain blood.
  • Fatigue
    Infection by H. Pylori can elevate stress in the body. This ends up affecting the digestive system, and the food you eat is not digested properly. Hence, the body does not get the essential nutrients to maintain the required level of energy.
  • Unexplained weight loss
    H. Pylori affects the gastric juices in the stomach, that is the acid in the stomach that aids in digestion. Hence, the digestive system itself is affected, leading to symptoms such as diarrhea and constipation. Particularly, this tends to have an impact on the digestion of proteins and fats. This may lead to weight loss. However, this kind of weight loss is far from healthy. It is due to a loss of muscle mass and is harmful.
  • Difficulty losing weight
    On the other hand, you may also face problems in trying to reduce your weight. This is because stress leads to the production of high amounts of cortisol. This is a hormone that helps the body respond to stress, but also leads to the accumulation of fat when produced in larger quantities. Heightened levels of cortisol are known to increase weight as it causes overeating. However, cortisol may also cause loss of weight for some people.
  • Hormonal imbalance and mood swings
    The excess production of cortisol as a response to increased stress may lead to a hormonal imbalance. This can cause symptoms such as mood swings and may affect premenstrual syndrome as well.
  • Depression
    Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that leads to a calming, anxiety-reducing effect. When H. Pylori infection attacks the digestive system, it alters the production of serotonin. Lesser serotonin leads to symptoms such as anxiety and depression. Furthermore, the accompanying fatigue due to the infection can worsen symptoms of depression and anxiety.
  • Oral infections
    Though the bacteria is found majorly in the stomach and small intestines, they may also reside in the mouth. This can lead to oral problems such as bad breath.
  • Sinus issues
    Sinus is also linked to the digestive system. Hence, an interference in the digestive system may lead to sinus issues as well. A burning sensation in the sinus and accompanied by acid reflux may be related to an H. Pylori infection.
  • Risks associated with H. Pylori infection 
    If H. Pylori infection symptoms are not treated in time, then it can also lead to:

    • Ulcers
      The bacterium can deteriorate the inner surface of the stomach and the duodenum region in the small intestine. Due to this, the acid content of the stomach, which helps aid in digestion, can create an ulcer in the lining. These are sores that can get aggravated and can even result in stomach cancer.
    • Inflammation of the inner lining of the stomach
      An H. Pylori infection can cause the inflammation of the inner lining of the stomach, also known as gastritis.
    • Stomach cancer
      In severe cases, H. Pylori can cause stomach cancer. Therefore, it is imperative that you get checked, if you notice any of the H.Pylori infection symptoms mentioned above.
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