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Rosacea and the Best Creams Available in the Market

Rosacea and the Best Creams Available in the Market

Are you suffering from rosacea? Every eczema sufferer might have a lot of questions to ask. The most disappointing fact is that rosacea is a very poorly understood skin condition. Nobody can come up with the exact reasons for this problem, and when it comes to treatment, there is hardly any known cure for this problem.
6 Effective Creams to Be Used for Eczema

6 Effective Creams to Be Used for Eczema

Eczema is a condition of skin which causes irritations and rashes on the skin. There are three basic kinds of eczema with atopic being primarily genetic in nature. This is seen mostly in children and can be seen on the back of knees and creases of the arms. The second one is irritant dermatitis which irritates the skin.
Effective Diet Plan For A Healthy Living

Effective Diet Plan For A Healthy Living

Weight management has become one of the biggest challenges of the modern generation. There are very few, who manage to maintain the desired weight for their body. While a majority complains of obesity-related issues, some even complain of having an extremely lean body. To stay fit and active, it is important for you to do it in the right manner.
A Few Common Symptoms and Causes of Overactive Bladder

A Few Common Symptoms and Causes of Overactive Bladder

Overactive bladder (OAB) is best explained as frequent and sudden urges to urinate. Overactive bladder is usually a result of involuntary muscle contractions in the bladder, irrespective of whether the bladder is full or not. Overactive bladder causes are difficult to identify, and therefore, a physical examination is important to be able to identify the underlying cause of contractions in bladder muscles.
11 Useful Home Remedies for Heartburn

11 Useful Home Remedies for Heartburn

Heartburn in the stomach is caused when the acids in the stomach move up into the esophagus area. This is a primary symptom of acid reflux which can cause burning sensation in the esophagus region which is a tube connecting the throat and stomach area. The intensity of pain depends upon the acid levels in the esophagus area.
6 Natural Ways to Cure Migraine

6 Natural Ways to Cure Migraine

People’s lives can be stressful, and as a result, they get prone to migraines. Migraines are headaches that occur frequently and can range from severe to moderate. Usually, a migraine can be masked by popping a painkiller tablet, but if you get a migraine headache, it means that your body is missing something.
8 Great Foods to Include in Your Diet for Hypothyroidism

8 Great Foods to Include in Your Diet for Hypothyroidism

Often unnoticed, the thyroid gland is one of the most important parts of the body and controls almost all the primary functions. Though the gland does not gain much attention when it functions normally, a little irregularity in it can affect your life significantly. Responsible for managing essential functions like metabolism, body temperature as well as heartbeat, thyroid disturbance can hamper your day to day life in multiple ways.
8 Natural Remedies for Managing IBS

8 Natural Remedies for Managing IBS

The rising amount of stress levels owing to unhealthy lifestyle is taking a toll on your body’s immunity system. Sedentary lifestyle brings with it series of medical conditions, which not just harm you physically but also exhaust you mentally. One such medical condition targeting people within the age group of 30 to 48 is IBS (irritable bowel syndrome).
Plantar Fasciitis Diagnosis and Treatment

Plantar Fasciitis Diagnosis and Treatment

Our body weight completely relies on our legs; hence, we need to take special care of our leg and heel muscles. Excess pressure on the legs causes several ailments to muscles, nerves, and the bones. We are talking about plantar fasciitis; it is a condition in which the thick band tissue of the heel that connects it to the toe inflames and causes excruciating pain and muscle injuries.
Deep Vein Thrombosis and Its Symptoms

Deep Vein Thrombosis and Its Symptoms

Sitting in a single position for a long time at the office or elsewhere can result in having deep vein thrombosis (DVT). Deep vein thrombosis is the formation of a blood clot or thrombus in a single or more, deep veins in the body, mostly the thighs or lower legs, but can also come up in other areas of the body.
An Insight into the Different Types of Toenail Fungus Cures

An Insight into the Different Types of Toenail Fungus Cures

Toenail fungus is an infection that goes through the cracks in the nails; it may even cut the skin sometimes. The skin gets thicker than the normal skin, and the color of the toenail also changes. The fungus can be very painful and can cause immense discomfort. Since most of the time the toe area remains warm and damp, it gets easy for the fungus to spread.
Best Hair Regrowth Products and Their Application

Best Hair Regrowth Products and Their Application

Everyone wants thick and lustrous hair, and this holds true for men and women alike. However, not everyone has the good fortune of having the desired kind of hair naturally. If you are not so lucky to have a thick and bouncy hair, or you are amongst those who are worried about excess hair fall, don’t lose heart.
4 Popular Protein Shakes for Women

4 Popular Protein Shakes for Women

High intake of proteins boosts the muscle building process. This essential nutrient fastens the growth and repair process of tissues. These proteins are present in the food we eat, and there are high chances that people might suffer from the deficiency of the same, especially women. Inadequate amount of proteins can cause severe health implications.
Different Ways to Relieve Sinus Pressure

Different Ways to Relieve Sinus Pressure

To start with, Sinusitis is an inflammation or a swelling of the tissues that line the sinuses. Generally, the healthy Sinuses are filled in with air, but when these get filled with fluids, germs tend to accumulate and cause infections. The infections can be caused due to a common cold, swelling of the lining of the nose, nasal polyps which are basically the small growths in the lining of the nose, or a shift in the nasal cavity can also cause Sinus problems.

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Carcinoid Neuroendocrine Tumors – Prognosis And Life Expectancy
Health & Wellness

Carcinoid Neuroendocrine Tumors – Prognosis And Life Expectancy

Carcinoid neuroendocrine tumors – Prognosis and life expectancy The neuroendocrine system is a complex regulatory mechanism comprised of cells spread throughout several organ systems, including our lungs and digestive system. As they have characteristics of both nerves and endocrine cells, they are called neuroendocrine cells. The nerve cells transmit signals using electrical impulses, whereas endocrine cells make thyroid and insulin-secreting glands.
What Are The First Signs Of Liver Damage
Health & Wellness

What Are The First Signs Of Liver Damage

Liver damage – What are the first signs? On the right side of the abdomen, below your rib cage, is an organ called the liver. It is the size of a football and is one of the most important organs in the human body. The liver aids in the digestion of the food we eat and also helps in flushing out the toxins from our body.