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Human foods that even cats can enjoy

Human foods that even cats can enjoy

Cats are fussy eaters, and that’s why brands make sure that their foods meet feline standards. But some foods that we humans consume also happen to be safe for cats and can be fed to them in moderation. These foods take minimal time to prepare, and it is better to serve something wholesomely made in your kitchen rather than relying solely on packaged cat food.
Human foods that dogs can safely eat

Human foods that dogs can safely eat

Just like humans, good nutrition is crucial for the overall well-being and longevity of canines. Though some foods that you eat can harm your four-legged companions, many others are completely safe. In fact, some even contain an array of nutrients beneficial for your dog’s overall health. In this article, we’ve listed common human foods that are safe for dogs.
Simple ways to achieve a healthy and shiny dog coat

Simple ways to achieve a healthy and shiny dog coat

Your dog’s coat is one of the first things anyone notices about them. It is also said to be an indicator of their health, both inside and out. Digestive problems, heartworms, flea and tick infestations, and even stress can cause their coat to lose texture. So, if you want your dog to have healthy, shiny, and enviably glossy fur, you must take certain precautions.
4 houseplants that should be kept away from dogs

4 houseplants that should be kept away from dogs

Dogs tend to chew and nibble on anything and everything they come across. But this habit can be rather dangerous when it comes to plants. Certain plants contain toxic elements and can lead to severe symptoms and make your pet pooch ill. Dogs do not know which plants can be toxic to them, and therefore, it is safe to just remove or avoid having such plants in your household.
Home remedies to prevent flea and tick infestations

Home remedies to prevent flea and tick infestations

Keeping your dogs safe from fleas and ticks can be an exhausting job. The constant scratching and biting can be tiring and unhealthy. Not only this, it can bring down the mood of your furry friend, affecting the whole household. Therefore, it is better to stay prepared in case of an unforeseen pest attack.
4 human foods that are harmful to dogs

4 human foods that are harmful to dogs

While human foods like fish and milk are safe for dogs, certain other options can harm their health and cause allergic reactions. Unfortunately, many pet parents don’t know this and continue to feed their four-legged friends from their own plate. Keeping this in mind, we’ve put together a list of human foods that are harmful to dogs, including the Chihuahua breed, and some pet food brands like Royal Canin ® and Purina ® that provide healthy alternatives.
5 human foods that are toxic for cats

5 human foods that are toxic for cats

As a responsible pet parent, you do your best to ensure healthy nutrition and a happy environment for your cats. But it can be hard to resist feeding them a few tidbits off your own plate. However, there are certain human foods that should not be given to cats under any circumstances as they can prove to be life-threatening.
4 human foods that are safe for cats

4 human foods that are safe for cats

If you have pet cats at home and occasionally feed them from your plate, you must know which foods are safe for them. Cats can be greedy eaters, and irrespective of the cute faces they make at the dinner table, it’s best not to give them anything besides cat food until you’re a hundred percent sure.
5 ways to keep your dog’s coat healthy and shiny

5 ways to keep your dog’s coat healthy and shiny

Every pet parent wants their four-legged companion to have a lustrous coat of fur. Having a shiny coat isn’t just about looking pretty, the shein is a reflection of your dog’s good health. You don’t need to splurge on pet-friendly creams and lotions or put in a lot of time grooming your pet.
6 plants that are toxic to dogs

6 plants that are toxic to dogs

Dogs love smelling things. They want to put their snout on anything that comes across their path, be it garbage on the sidewalk or blossoming flowers in a park or garden. While some things are downright disgusting, other items can be toxic to your dog’s health. Certain plants can cause diarrhea and other serious issues like liver damage.
7 plants that are toxic to cats

7 plants that are toxic to cats

Cats are smart animals who are typically mindful of what they eat. But sometimes, seeds or pollen of a toxic plant get stuck in their fur or on their paws, and cats may ingest toxic substances while grooming themselves. To avoid this and keep your cat safe, all pet parents should take some time to learn the names of plants that are toxic to their health.
3 simple ways to treat fleas and tick infestation in dogs

3 simple ways to treat fleas and tick infestation in dogs

As a dog owner, one of the biggest concerns to tackle is fleas and tick infestation. These parasites feed off the pets’ blood, causing excessive scratching and irritation. There is a variety of flea and tick repellents in the market. However, it is necessary to be aware of natural remedies.
How to solve cat litter box problems

How to solve cat litter box problems

If you’re frustrated with how your cat uses its litter box, you’re not alone. Most cat owners admit that their furry friends develop issues with their litter boxes, which can be anything from not using the box altogether to defecating or urinating inside and outside the box. Health and behavioral issues could be attributed to this.
Types of cat litter and their effects on humans

Types of cat litter and their effects on humans

One may have to deal with cat waste if they have a domesticated feline friend at home. Many pet owners prefer using cat litter as they are easy to clean the excreted waste. All pet cats are litter trained, meaning they will only pee or poop inside the cat litter placed in the house.

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