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6 Key Points Of Comparison Between Vitagene And AncestryDNA

6 Key Points Of Comparison Between Vitagene And AncestryDNA

Genetic DNA testing is no more simply done to find out about your family history or to identify the roots of your ancestry. Nowadays, DNA testing helps people get a sense of relief from uncertain health complications by understanding their DNA structure. Your DNA unlocks data that proves to be useful allowing you to make informed decisions concerning advanced health care.
Top Comparison Factors Between Living DNA And MyHeritage

Top Comparison Factors Between Living DNA And MyHeritage

People get genetic DNA testing done for a number of reasons: some do it to locate people with whom they might share a relation and others want to find out more about the roots of their ancestry. The information in your DNA also helps medical professionals understand certain health conditions.
Here’s Why You Should Get Your DNA Tested

Here’s Why You Should Get Your DNA Tested

DNA, or deoxyribonucleic acid, is a polymer containing information essential to build and maintain all the internal functions of the body. DNA is inside every cell in the body; it is the blueprint of a person since it contains all the information needed to build other cellular components such as RNA molecules and proteins.
Points to consider before you try online dating

Points to consider before you try online dating

Online dating has transformed the way two people meet. Gone are the days of requesting your best friend to introduce you to someone in your extended circle. Today, technology has improved and enhanced different modes of communication thus opening up new avenues for dating. The increasing use of smartphones has also enabled users to download mobile app versions of dating websites, create a profile on the go, update preferences, and find a match.
The pros and cons of online dating

The pros and cons of online dating

Online dating is a level playing field that not everyone is fond of. Some people have had an excellent experience while others have struggled to find a satisfying relationship on these matchmaking sites. There are as many as 30 million citizens across the country who use online dating sites and apps.
Ovarian cancer- Causes, symptoms and its preventive measures

Ovarian cancer- Causes, symptoms and its preventive measures

Though medical science has ensured that most of the diseases can be cured and has led to a decline in the mortality rate, one disease that cannot be completely cured is cancer. Cancer in any form, be it breast cancer, throat or lung cancer, prostate cancer, etc. is a fatal disease, and barely a handful of people manage to come out of it alive, and timely detection of the condition is what aids the treatment.
Popular charcoal teeth whitening toothpastes and its benefits

Popular charcoal teeth whitening toothpastes and its benefits

Charcoal is a form of carbon which has been treated to make it porous, which is then known as activated charcoal. Its use in oral hygiene has gained popularity over the years with charcoal teeth whitening toothpaste. Activated carbon ingredient acts as an effective tooth cleanser for stains, tartar, plaque, bacteria and other types of viruses since the charcoal binds to all forms of teeth problems and decay to effectively cleanse the same.
Food ingredients that are best for women’s health

Food ingredients that are best for women’s health

Women deal with a lot of stuff, from handling the household, to managing their career, to managing their personal lives. One needs to be energized to carry out the day to day tasks. Here are eight superfoods that are best foods for women’s health: Salmon Salmon is one of the best food for women’s health as it has its super health-promoting power of high omega-3 content.
Useful makeup tips for women over 50

Useful makeup tips for women over 50

As you age, your skin texture transforms too. The change becomes prominent when you are 50 or above. But you can always enhance your skin using some simple makeup tricks. All you need to do is to pick the beauty products that suit you the best and apply them in the right manner.
A groom’s guide to planning his wedding

A groom’s guide to planning his wedding

It is often found that the ladies have been perfectly planning their wedding for a long time, while the guys panic in the last minutes. The day is big for the both the bride and the groom. And thus, you as a groom must get some things perfectly done. Wedding plans can be confusing if you are not sure of the things to do on time.
Top adventure hobby ideas that every man should try

Top adventure hobby ideas that every man should try

It is truly said, all work and no play makes one dull and gray. This is true of any of us at any stage in our lives. As children, we exult in playing, but as we grow older and life’s myriad responsibilities creep up on our shoulders, we realize that we have very little time left for recreational activities.
Causes and prevention of body odor

Causes and prevention of body odor

Body odor can be a highly embarrassing condition that has a variety of causes. It is an unpleasant smell that is given off from live bacteria that breed in specific areas of an individual’s body. Here are some guidelines to understand what exactly causes body odor and some simple tips to keep yourself free from body odor.
Top 3 common male insecurities

Top 3 common male insecurities

Insecurities, believe it or not, affect both men and women of all ages and cultures equally. The pressure on men to be successful, be the responsible head of a family and basically be a ‘man’ is enormous. Male insecurities are more often than not, dusted beneath the carpet and not acknowledged or addressed correctly.
A glimpse of the various methods of cooking

A glimpse of the various methods of cooking

Cooking can be defined as the art, technology and craft of preparing food for consumption with or without the aid of fire. Cooking techniques and ingredients vary widely across the world. It reflects the environmental, economic and cultural trend of the place. Preparing food with heat or fire is definitely an activity that is unique to only the human race and it came into existence more than two million years ago.

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Carcinoid Neuroendocrine Tumors – Prognosis And Life Expectancy
Health & Wellness

Carcinoid Neuroendocrine Tumors – Prognosis And Life Expectancy

Carcinoid neuroendocrine tumors – Prognosis and life expectancy The neuroendocrine system is a complex regulatory mechanism comprised of cells spread throughout several organ systems, including our lungs and digestive system. As they have characteristics of both nerves and endocrine cells, they are called neuroendocrine cells. The nerve cells transmit signals using electrical impulses, whereas endocrine cells make thyroid and insulin-secreting glands.
What Are The First Signs Of Liver Damage
Health & Wellness

What Are The First Signs Of Liver Damage

Liver damage – What are the first signs? On the right side of the abdomen, below your rib cage, is an organ called the liver. It is the size of a football and is one of the most important organs in the human body. The liver aids in the digestion of the food we eat and also helps in flushing out the toxins from our body.