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The Role of Chemotherapy in Cancer Treatment

The Role of Chemotherapy in Cancer Treatment

Even though chemotherapy is most often associated with drugs used in cancer treatment, “chemo” is actually characterized as the use of any drug to treat almost any disease. Chemotherapy works to kill cancer cells throughout the entire body when cancer has metastasized (or spread) from the original tumor to other parts of the body.
Hepatitis C – Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Hepatitis C – Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Hepatitis C is considered a dangerous and infectious virus in the world. Most of the people in the country are affected by this virus. The liver is the most common place in the body to be affected by hepatitis C. There are five types of hepatitis and among them, hepatitis C is the most serious one.
Introduction and Types of Migraine

Introduction and Types of Migraine

A migraine is moderate to a severe headache lasting up to 1 to 3 days. Migraines affect approximately 12% of adults and children and occur primarily in women. These headaches are often incapacitating and associated with additional side effects such as nausea, autonomic dysfunction, and aura (visual impairment). Migraines are some of the most taxing neurological disorders in the world and a major cause of disability in the world.
Migraine – Introduction, Symptoms and Types of Migraine

Migraine – Introduction, Symptoms and Types of Migraine

A migraine is moderate to a severe headache lasting up to 1 to 3 days. Migraines affect approximately 12% of adults and children and occur primarily in women. These headaches are often incapacitating and associated with additional side effects such as nausea, autonomic dysfunction, and aura (visual impairment). Migraines are some of the most taxing neurological disorders in the world and a major cause of disability in the world.
Causes and Types of Leukemia

Causes and Types of Leukemia

The American Cancer Society (ACS) estimates 60,300 new leukemia diagnosis in the U.S. this year. Sadly, roughly 24,370 will succumb to the disease. Leukemia originates in the blood stem cells as either immature myeloid stem cells (monocytes, platelets, or granulocytes, which form clots or fight bacteria and infection) or immature lymphoid stem cells (or lymphocyte B, T or NK cells, which are white blood cells that battle infection and bodily threats).
Osteoporosis – About and Causes

Osteoporosis – About and Causes

What is Osteoporosis ? Osteoporosis is a disease in which bones deteriorate or become brittle and fragile due to low bone mass and bone tissue loss. The condition is often referred to as a “silent disease” because you cannot feel your bones getting weaker, and many people don’t even know they have the condition until after they break a bone.
Obesity :- Treatment, Symptoms, Causes, Prevention & More

Obesity :- Treatment, Symptoms, Causes, Prevention & More

The Facts Obesity is a leading cause of preventable illness and death in North America.  In recent years, the number of overweight people in industrialized countries has increased significantly, so much so that the World Health Organization (WHO) has called obesity an epidemic. In the United States, 69% of the adult population are overweight or obese.
Multivitamins – All You Need to Know

Multivitamins – All You Need to Know

If you are considering adding multivitamins to your health and fitness program, you might have some questions and concerns on how to take them correctly, safely, and for greatest benefit. While nothing can replace the advice of a physician, the information below can help you with preparing your list of questions to ask about multivitamins when you visit your doctor.
Signs & Symptoms of Heart Attack

Signs & Symptoms of Heart Attack

Heart attacks occur suddenly. They are usually caused due to an unnoticed morbidity that was long-standing. Although, by being aware of the symptoms and signs of heart attack, one can be well prepared in advance. Here are some signs and symptoms of heart attack: Prevention is always better than cure; so if you have faced the below mentioned symptoms act now.
Reducing Cholesterol Levels

Reducing Cholesterol Levels

High cholesterol increases your risk of heart disease and heart attacks. Medications can help improve your cholesterol. But if you’d rather first make lifestyle changes to improve your cholesterol, try these five healthy changes. If you already take medications, these changes can improve their cholesterol-lowering effect. 1. Eat heart-healthy foods A few changes in your diet can reduce cholesterol and improve your heart health:
Causes and Treatment of Migraine

Causes and Treatment of Migraine

How migraines develop is not well known. It is believed that migraines are caused by activation of nerves in the face (trigeminal nerves). Specifically, nerves that sense pain (nociceptors) and also stimulate blood vessels in the head are activated. Stimulation of the blood vessels by these nerves then stimulates regions of the brain involved in pain perception, such as the thalamus and various regions in the cortex.
Common Mistakes People Make While Dieting

Common Mistakes People Make While Dieting

Frequently, we come across people who say that they are dieting yet they see no results. Neither do they see a reduction in their pounds, nor do they see any change physically. Given below are the main reasons why you are not losing weight in spite of dieting. Common Diet Mistakes Not having a realistic goal Yes, you read it right – you may not have a realistic goal!
Symptoms and Treatment of Diabetes

Symptoms and Treatment of Diabetes

What is Type 1 Diabetes? Diabetes type 1 is an autoimmune disease in which the beta cells (insulin producing cells) located in the pancreas are destroyed over a period of time. The more beta cells are destroyed the less insulin that can be made. This results in a lifelong deficiency of insulin and dependency on insulin from external sources.
Treatment & Management For Multiple Sclerosis

Treatment & Management For Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis affects all aspects of the patient’s lives and can significantly reduce their quality of life. The complications that result from multiple sclerosis are multi-systemic. Multiple Sclerosis Complications include: Intractable tremors. Depression Muscle spasms. Heat sensitivity Chronic pain. Sexual dysfunction Bladder dysfunction. Fatigue Urinary Tract Infections.Cognitive deficits Constipation/ Fecal incontinence Here, we will briefly discuss the pharmacological and non-pharmacological management of each of them.

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What Are The First Signs Of Liver Damage
Health & Wellness

What Are The First Signs Of Liver Damage

Liver damage – What are the first signs? On the right side of the abdomen, below your rib cage, is an organ called the liver. It is the size of a football and is one of the most important organs in the human body. The liver aids in the digestion of the food we eat and also helps in flushing out the toxins from our body.
What Are The Causes And Symptoms Of External Hemorroids
Health & Wellness

What Are The Causes And Symptoms Of External Hemorroids

What are the causes and symptoms of external Hemorrhoids? Hemorrhoids, popularly known as ‘Piles,’ are enlarged or swollen blood vessels near the lower part of the rectum or anus. The inflamed veins are caused due to excessive pressure on the veins or extra strain during bowel movements. Hemorrhoids are very common in men as well as women in their middle age.