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A holistic guide to detect and treat breast cancer effectively

A holistic guide to detect and treat breast cancer effectively

Breast cancer is a type of cancer that develops in the breast cells and affects the lobules or the ducts of the breast. The gland which produces milk is the lobule and the pathways through which milk is brought from the glands to the nipple are the ducts. In some cases, the cancer also develops in the fatty tissues of the breast.
Heart attack – Symptoms, causes, risk factors, treatments and more

Heart attack – Symptoms, causes, risk factors, treatments and more

A condition identified by a dysfunctional or dead heart muscle segment, caused due to loss of blood supply is referred to as a heart attack. The supply of blood is commonly lost as a result of a blockage in an artery due to a blood clot. When the heart muscle is dead, there is an electrical instability of heart muscle tissue and the person suffers from severe pain in the chest.
Everything you should know about lung cancer

Everything you should know about lung cancer

Cancer of the lungs, as the name suggests, starts from the lungs. It is among the most common types of cancers suffered by people across the world. Smokers are at the highest risk of developing lung cancer. However, it can also affect people who haven’s smoked in their entire lives.
Back pain symptoms, causes, and effective home remedies for quick relief

Back pain symptoms, causes, and effective home remedies for quick relief

Back pain has been one of the most common causes of disabilities across the world. It is believed that most people will experience backache at least once in their lifetime. Thankfully, in most cases, some measures can be taken to fight back pain. If the back pain is mild and is not caused by a severe underlying condition, it can even be treated with the help of some home remedies.
12 Superfoods to Keep Cholesterol Low

12 Superfoods to Keep Cholesterol Low

According to the CDC, approximately 94 million adults in the country have higher than 200 mg/dL total cholesterol levels. Fortunately, a mindful meal plan can go a long way in keeping one’s cholesterol in check. It is also important to note that not all cholesterol is bad for the body. One can include a variety of nutritious foods in one’s meal plan that can help lower LDL cholesterol and keep one’s heart healthy.
Leukemia: Types and Causes

Leukemia: Types and Causes

The American Cancer Society (ACS) estimates 60,300 new leukemia diagnosis in the U.S. this year. Sadly, roughly 24,370 will succumb to the disease. Leukemia originates in the blood stem cells as either immature myeloid stem cells (monocytes, platelets, or granulocytes, which form clots or fight bacteria and infection) or immature lymphoid stem cells (or lymphocyte B, T or NK cells, which are white blood cells that battle infection and bodily threats).
Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments of Breast Cancer

Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments of Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is a common type of cancer. An early stage of breast cancer has no such visible symptoms except a lump in the breast area. Breast cancer cells multiply continuously which leads to a tumor in the breasts. It is important to know the type of breast cancer to get the right treatment.

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Carcinoid Neuroendocrine Tumors – Prognosis And Life Expectancy
Health & Wellness

Carcinoid Neuroendocrine Tumors – Prognosis And Life Expectancy

Carcinoid neuroendocrine tumors – Prognosis and life expectancy The neuroendocrine system is a complex regulatory mechanism comprised of cells spread throughout several organ systems, including our lungs and digestive system. As they have characteristics of both nerves and endocrine cells, they are called neuroendocrine cells. The nerve cells transmit signals using electrical impulses, whereas endocrine cells make thyroid and insulin-secreting glands.
What Are The First Signs Of Liver Damage
Health & Wellness

What Are The First Signs Of Liver Damage

Liver damage – What are the first signs? On the right side of the abdomen, below your rib cage, is an organ called the liver. It is the size of a football and is one of the most important organs in the human body. The liver aids in the digestion of the food we eat and also helps in flushing out the toxins from our body.