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Primary causes of hyponatremia

Primary causes of hyponatremia

Hyponatremia is typically caused when the sodium level in your body falls below 135 mEq/L. The normal sodium level in your body is anywhere between 135 to 145 milliequivalents per liter (mEq/L.) Sodium is important in your body as it maintains the blood pressure and supports the nerves and muscles in the tasks to be performed by them.
Metastatic renal cell carcinoma, understanding the condition

Metastatic renal cell carcinoma, understanding the condition

Renal cell carcinoma is a condition which causes cancer cells to develop in the tubules of your kidney, paving the way to kidney cancer. These tubes help filter the waste which is processed from your blood, then converted into urine. A metastatic renal cell carcinoma condition develops when cancer spreads beyond the kidney and affects the lymph system, other organs, and even your bones.
Prevention from the causes of hyponatremia

Prevention from the causes of hyponatremia

Hyponatremia is a disorder that can be caused when the sodium levels in your blood drop significantly. The primary symptoms of the condition include nausea and vomiting, headache, restlessness, seizures, and coma in extreme cases. All these symptoms and conditions caused by hyponatremia can be prevented with a few preventive measures.
Popular e coli in urine causes

Popular e coli in urine causes

It is a fact that many types bacteria live in our intestines. While most of these are beneficial for the human body, others may cause infections. One of the common types of infection-causing bacteria is the E. coli O157: H7. Some of the most common early symptoms of e coli infection include diarrhea, abdominal pain, and fever.
Overview of endocrine disorders

Overview of endocrine disorders

Endocrine disorders are related to the endocrine system which is a collection of major glands that are responsible for the secretion of vital hormones with the help of the circulatory system, throughout the body. Major glands of the endocrine system and their associated disorders include: Pineal gland: This gland is found in the vertebrae of your brain which is responsible for producing melatonin, a hormone which affects sleeping patterns.
Mycosis fungoides – more than just a skin rash

Mycosis fungoides – more than just a skin rash

A rash can sometimes be more than just an annoying skin problem. It could be a sign of something more concerning, e.g., mycosis fungoides. Although rare, this condition is a form of blood cancer that causes T-cells, which is a type of white blood cells, to grow out of control.
Neuropathy – Understanding the Types and Symptoms

Neuropathy – Understanding the Types and Symptoms

Neuropathy is a broad term used to refer to a group of nerve diseases or malfunctions. Nerves can get damaged or destroyed at any location in the human body. Thus, neuropathy is categorized as per the type and location of the nerves affected. Read on to know more. Various types of neuropathy Peripheral neuropathy:
Neuropathy in Feet – Effective Ways to Ease the Pain

Neuropathy in Feet – Effective Ways to Ease the Pain

Neuropathy in feet is a condition which leads to the feeling of little to no sensation in the feet. Damage to your peripheral nerves leads to a feeling of numbness, weakness, and pain. You may touch a hot or cold appliance and feel no sensation at all. In many cases of the disease, your symptoms can improve with time.
Famous Celebrities Who Recovered From an Opioid Addicition

Famous Celebrities Who Recovered From an Opioid Addicition

Pain relief is one of the most important aspects post-treatment or after a surgery. Opioid medications are prescribed to relieve the pain experienced by the patients because the medications contain chemicals that help relax the body. The medication is intended for a simple purpose; pain relief. However, prescription opioid addiction is common among people who started using the medication for pain relief.
Managing Opioid Overdose with Naloxone

Managing Opioid Overdose with Naloxone

An opioid is a class of drugs that include pain relievers such as hydrocodone, fentanyl, tramadol, and oxycodone, and recreational (illegal) drugs such as heroin. Opioids are also referred to as narcotics. Health care personnel administer very small amounts of opioid as a pain reliever in case of a serious injury or a major surgery.
Medical Diagnostic and Provisions to Improve Its Accuracy

Medical Diagnostic and Provisions to Improve Its Accuracy

In the medical world, diagnosis is a term used for procedures doctors and medical practitioners take to determine the nature of the disease or a disorder and distinguish it from other possible conditions. A diagnostic procedure helps health professionals take one disease over other possible diseases and start working on treating its symptoms with the intention of curing the disease of its roots.
8 Lifestyle Changes that Help to Live with Ankylosing Spondylitis

8 Lifestyle Changes that Help to Live with Ankylosing Spondylitis

An inflammatory condition, ankylosing spondylitis affects the joints of the spine. It is triggered by severe inflammation of the spinal joints that, in turn, causes immense chronic pain and discomfort. As a result of the fused vertebrae, the spine becomes less flexible and its structure may change to form a hunched posture.
An Overview of Medicare Supplemental Plans Available with AARP

An Overview of Medicare Supplemental Plans Available with AARP

The American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) is a non-profit organization that caters to retirees. Specifically, the AARP health insurance membership focuses on providing healthcare benefits at discounted rates from the best providers and insurance carriers. Note that the AARP is not an insurance provider but an intermediary service that connects retirees and seniors to resources for affordable healthcare.
6 Ways to Manage the Symptoms of Arthritis

6 Ways to Manage the Symptoms of Arthritis

Arthritis results in the inflammation of joints. It is a group of several health conditions that result in the pain. Surprisingly, more than 50 million adults and approximately 300,000 children in the country have some form of arthritis. Common symptoms of this condition include joint pain, stiffness, swelling, and difficulty in movement.

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Carcinoid Neuroendocrine Tumors – Prognosis And Life Expectancy
Health & Wellness

Carcinoid Neuroendocrine Tumors – Prognosis And Life Expectancy

Carcinoid neuroendocrine tumors – Prognosis and life expectancy The neuroendocrine system is a complex regulatory mechanism comprised of cells spread throughout several organ systems, including our lungs and digestive system. As they have characteristics of both nerves and endocrine cells, they are called neuroendocrine cells. The nerve cells transmit signals using electrical impulses, whereas endocrine cells make thyroid and insulin-secreting glands.
What Are The First Signs Of Liver Damage
Health & Wellness

What Are The First Signs Of Liver Damage

Liver damage – What are the first signs? On the right side of the abdomen, below your rib cage, is an organ called the liver. It is the size of a football and is one of the most important organs in the human body. The liver aids in the digestion of the food we eat and also helps in flushing out the toxins from our body.