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Common Symptoms Of Prostate Cancer

Common Symptoms Of Prostate Cancer

Common symptoms of prostate cancer The prostate gland is responsible for producing some fluid of the semen and controlling urination in men. Prostate cancer is accountable for affecting the prostate gland. The gland is located right below the bladder and in front of the rectum. In advanced cases, it can spread to nearby organs to the prostate, most notably the bladder.
Easy And Effective Ways To Treat Psoriasis

Easy And Effective Ways To Treat Psoriasis

Easy and effective ways to treat psoriasis Psoriasis is a skin disorder in which bumpy red patches of scaly skin appear on certain parts of the body. This is a non-contagious disease caused by an overactive immune system. There is no cure for this condition, but it can be controlled by some medications.
Best Treatment Options To Get Rid Of Psoriatic Arthritis

Best Treatment Options To Get Rid Of Psoriatic Arthritis

Best treatment options to get rid of psoriatic arthritis Psoriatic arthritis is a special case of arthritis. The undesired condition affects people already suffering from a condition that causes red patches of skin with silvery scales above them, known as psoriasis. In most cases, patients develop psoriasis followed by the symptoms of arthritis.
Popular Treatment Options For Osteoporosis

Popular Treatment Options For Osteoporosis

The weakening of bones and increased chances of bone fracture are the major characteristics of osteoporosis. Bones become unusually porous and compressible like a sponge. This weakens the structure of the skeleton leading to easy fragmentation of bones. People think that only older women are affected by osteoporosis, but it affects both the genders.
All You Need To Know About Pain Management For Cancer

All You Need To Know About Pain Management For Cancer

All you need to know about pain management for cancer You must be aware that cancer is a deadly disease that is associated with severe pain that makes it all the more difficult to live with. It is estimated that about 50% of all cancer patients suffer from pain, which may come in several ways.
Symptoms And Treatment For Pneumonia

Symptoms And Treatment For Pneumonia

  Symptoms and Treatment for Pneumonia   Pneumonia is an infection caused by bacteria, fungi, virus or mycoplasma. One or both the lungs get infected when someone is affected by Pneumonia. Adults suffer from bacterial Pneumonia other than any other type of Pneumonia. Pneumonia symptoms affects the lungs as they get inflamed in the air sacs which are called alveoli.
How Pneumonia Can Be Prevented And Treated

How Pneumonia Can Be Prevented And Treated

How pneumonia can be prevented and treated What is pneumonia? Pneumonia is an inflammation of the alveoli or the air sacs in one or both the lungs. The alveoli or the air sacs get filled with fluid which leads to breathing difficulties. Pneumonia can be caused by bacteria, or virus or fungi, although bacterial pneumonia is the most common type.
Common Causes, Signs, And Symptoms Of Pneumonia

Common Causes, Signs, And Symptoms Of Pneumonia

Common causes, signs, and symptoms of pneumonia With the onset of winters, people start worrying about catching a common cold, cough, flu, and pneumonia. Though these illnesses are not bound to any particular season, their risk certainly increases in winters. The best precaution is knowledge and all the pneumonia information is given below, right from its types to causes to symptoms and prevention.
Effective Treatments For Nasal Congestion

Effective Treatments For Nasal Congestion

Effective treatments for nasal congestion Nasal congestion is a common health issue faced because of infection or allergies. A blockage in the nose due to mucus formation leads to nasal congestion. Though common, it is quite excruciating as you start facing difficulty in breathing. It can also be caused by the common cold.
All You Need To Know About Nerve Pain

All You Need To Know About Nerve Pain

All you need to know about nerve pain Your body sends warning signals, and if you can listen to them and understand them, you may prevent complications. Several nerves connect various parts of your body to the brain, and when a nerve is pinched or compressed, the typical warning sign that can be felt is a pain.
Neuropathy – Common Symptoms And Treatment Methods

Neuropathy – Common Symptoms And Treatment Methods

Neuropathy – Common symptoms and treatment methods All is well when the body systems work fine. However, when any one of them is damaged, the effects may be felt in several parts of your body. Same is true with the nervous system, which is one of the important organ systems of the body that carries messages to and from the brain to other parts of the body.
Causes, Symptoms, And Treatment Of Neuropathy Pain

Causes, Symptoms, And Treatment Of Neuropathy Pain

Causes, symptoms, and treatment of neuropathy pain Neuropathic pain is often a burning and shooting pain related to the nerves. Its causative factor is nerve damage or a malfunctioning nervous system. The affected nerves do not carry the impulses resulting in numbness. The pain follows an up and down cycle, with a change in intensity.
6 Effective Alternative Treatment Methods For Osteoarthritis

6 Effective Alternative Treatment Methods For Osteoarthritis

6 effective alternative treatment methods for osteoarthritis With old age comes a host of problems, and one that is prevalent is osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease that gradually wears down the soft tissues at the ends of the bones. Considered to be the most common form of arthritis, in this condition, the cartilage of one joint or more starts to break down, eventually resulting in complete loss of the cartilage.
Mouth Cancer – Stages And Treatment

Mouth Cancer – Stages And Treatment

Mouth cancer – Stages and treatment Mouth cancer, also called oral cavity cancer or pharyngeal cancer, is a growth of cancerous cells in any part of the mouth. It can develop on the top of the tongue, on the lips, in the gums, in the interior of the cheeks, in the tonsils, in the salivary glands, on the dome as well as on the base of the mouth.

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Carcinoid Neuroendocrine Tumors – Prognosis And Life Expectancy
Health & Wellness

Carcinoid Neuroendocrine Tumors – Prognosis And Life Expectancy

Carcinoid neuroendocrine tumors – Prognosis and life expectancy The neuroendocrine system is a complex regulatory mechanism comprised of cells spread throughout several organ systems, including our lungs and digestive system. As they have characteristics of both nerves and endocrine cells, they are called neuroendocrine cells. The nerve cells transmit signals using electrical impulses, whereas endocrine cells make thyroid and insulin-secreting glands.
What Are The First Signs Of Liver Damage
Health & Wellness

What Are The First Signs Of Liver Damage

Liver damage – What are the first signs? On the right side of the abdomen, below your rib cage, is an organ called the liver. It is the size of a football and is one of the most important organs in the human body. The liver aids in the digestion of the food we eat and also helps in flushing out the toxins from our body.